Fifth AIP State of Industry Webinar

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Fifth AIP State of Industry Webinar

Registrations are open for the fifth AIP State of Industry Webinar to be held on Wednesday, 21 August at 10 am (AEST). This webinar will look at a wide range of successful product stewardship and Away from Home programs that actively engage the consumer with the collection. Product stewardship programs enable households’ access to recycling and safe disposal services for products once they have reached their end of life.

Many of the product stewardship programs have been designed to capture and reprocess packaging and materials that cannot be collected through a traditional materials recovery facility (MRF). ‘Away from Home’ collection and drop-off points are established for these materials or packs so that they don’t end up in landfill and can have a longer lifecycle. Some hazardous and flammable products require safe disposal such as paints, chemicals and batteries, and Away from Home collection ensures the product is disposed of safely. These programs keep valuable resources circulating in the economy for as long as possible, reduce the impact of a product on the environment and offer effective end-of-life recovery systems.

Panellists will include:

  • Steve Morriss MAIP, Head of Circularity, Close the Loop
  • Jason Rijnbeek, Business Development, Pharmacycle
  • Brendan Lee, Circular Economy Manager, Closed Loop Environmental Solutions
  • Vikas Ahuja, Sustainability Director, Tetra Pak


Visit this link to book your place to the online presentation.

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