We diagnose a nonprofit organization to identify their potential for impact and to enable capacity building.


The capacity of an organization is critical in determining its ability to have a positive impact. It is important to know where and how an organisation can continue to build its own capacity to grow sustainably.



TIG has built a due diligence tool to determine an organisation’s capacity for impact – Impact Formula. This tool combines in-person evaluation with a self-tracking component, which are based on a set of key indicators across the categories of strategy, operations, governance, stakeholders, and innovation. These data points are used to create the Baseline Capacity Report. With this, the organisation can monitor progress and report at consistent intervals.

TIG’s Impact Formula includes:

  • Baseline Capacity Report
  • Quarterly Tracking Notifications
  • Annual Summary Report


We provide the following services:

  • Conduct due diligence on nonprofit organisations,
  • Enable capacity building, and
  • Track and report on an organisation’s progress over time

"Given the double bottom-line goal of impact investing and the limited dollars being directed towards this space, impact investors have a higher duty to conduct comprehensive due diligence when weighing an investment opportunity."

Eva Yazhari, CEO, Beyond Capital Fund




We provide custom solutions for monitoring and evaluating social projects.


Being able to measure what you are doing and how well is a critical need for any organisation focused on social impact. It is often one of the key pain points as well. Effective monitoring and evaluation can guide an organisation to greater impact.



TIG has built a standardised process that starts with defining a clear and effective set of indicators. Once established, these indicators will be translated into tracking tools and processes to collect data on a project or organisation as a whole. We will support the implementation of these tools throughout the data collection cycle before utilising the data set to determine the outputs, outcome and impact. These findings will be summarised in an impact report.

TIG’s Impact Measurement includes:

  • Impact Indicator Guide
  • Tracking Tools
  • Impact Report


We provide the following services:

  • Define Key Impact Indicators
  • Create Tracking Tools and Processes
  • Generate Impact Reports

"As we move into the next decade, the field is actively grappling with how we measure and report our impact on people and the planet. Doing so will be critical for building a robust movement capable of realizing its full potential and making meaningful progress in addressing the world’s biggest social and environmental challenges."

SOCAP, 2018




We calculate the projected social impact of investments.


Investing in social impact requires that we go beyond financial returns to calculating the societal returns as well. Data, particularly quantifiable impact, is at the heart of making better investment decisions. Social Impact Valuations enable side-to-side comparison of investments across the social impact landscape.



Investing in social impact requires that we go beyond financial returns to calculating the societal returns as well. Data, particularly quantifiable impact, is at the heart of making better investment decisions. Predictive Impact Analysis (PIA) enables side-to-side comparison of investments across the social impact landscape without the lengthy timelines and high cost of traditional impact evaluations.

TIG’s Predictive Impact Analysis (PIA) includes:

  • Custom Impact Calculator
  • Quantified Social Impact
  • Impact Report


We provide the following services:

  • Quantify the projected social value of an investment or project
  • Enable evaluation and comparison of impact across sectors and locations
  • Provide reports for the selection and justification of investments